Tuesday 2 July 2013

Mock MCQ physics

Thanks for those who bought my revision notes again.I have had discussion with one of the reader.Most of the self-recalled questions were included in the revision notes without mentioning as the past years question, which i intended to publish as MCQs but lacked of time at the moment.

Physics: questions on calculation for pass years questions example were:
calculation of the penumbra size of source, MU for SAD/SSD, electron energy selection, electron shield thickness,transmission factor the thickness of bunker barrier

Which of the following is correct about Attenuation of X ray ?
1.           related to inverse square law
2.           associated with scattering
3.           not related to density of material
4.           directly proportional to atomic number

CPE equilibrium can occur at 
1.           at the building up region 
2.      tissue interface
3.           pneumbra region
4.           beyond maximum
5.           50% IL
LINAC components
1.           steering magnent use to direct the beam to the filter
2.           Focusing magnent to direct electron to target
3.           magnetron to induce current 0.5mA through waveguide system (Ans 100mA)
4.           pulse electron 50keV is directed to the magnetron by modulator(Ans 100eV)

Compton scattering / Pair Production / Photoelectric effect which is correct
1.           equal amount of energy is always shared among positron and electron pair
2.           minimum amount of energy for pair production is 0.511MeV
3.           electron and positron is 180 deg opposite direction
4.           chance of pair production increase with energy

1 comment:

  1. hi TK, are the past years mcq qns included into the revision notes? thanks.
